Introduction to LED display technology and development

 Introduction to LED display technology and development

In 1923, Rossev (Lossen.o.w) in the study of semiconductor SIC has impurities in the P-N junction with light emission, the study of light-emitting diodes (LED: LightEmittingDiode), has not been paid attention to. With the rapid development of the electronics industry, in the 1960s, display technology has been rapidly developed, people have studied the PDP laser display plasma display board, LCD liquid crystal display, light-emitting diode LED, electrochromic display ECD, electrophoretic display EPID and many other technologies. As the semiconductor production and processing process gradually mature and perfect, light-emitting diodes have become increasingly dominant in the solid-state display.

The reason why LED is widely valued and rapidly developed is that it has its own activities, many advantages. For example high brightness, low operating voltage, low power consumption, easy integration, simple drive, long life, impact resistance and stable performance, its development prospects are extremely broad. It is now moving towards higher brightness, higher weather resistance and luminous density, luminous uniformity and full colour development.

In the early 80s, with the development of computers, the CGA display method was introduced, it has 320 * 200 resolution four colours, in just 10 years display method has experienced CGA, EGA, SEGA, VGA, SVGA, to ultra-high resolution development, display accuracy from 320 * 200 development to 1600 * 1250, from four colours to 32-bit true color. Scan frequency from 15.7K development to 150K. the working principle of the display is to receive the signal from the host reduced to the form of light display, with the development of people need large screen equipment, so there is a projector, but its brightness can not be used in natural light, so the emergence of LED display (screen), it has a large perspective, high brightness, colorful characteristics. the LED display Application has been very wide, in the stadium, the large screen display system can match live and match scores, time, exciting playback, etc.; in the transportation industry, can display the road running; in the financial industry, can, real-time display of financial information, such as stocks, exchange rates, interest rates, etc.; in the commercial postal system, can display notices, news, advertising, etc. to the majority of customers.

According to the survey, 2/3 of the information people receive is obtained through the eyes. Display technology is also used in industrial production, the military, medical units, public security systems and even astronautics and other national economies, social life and military fields, and plays an important role, display technology has become an indispensable technology for modern human social life.


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